Pumpkin Spice Pepper Hummus: The Perfect Thanksgiving Appetizer


Get ready to delight your guests this Thanksgiving with a unique and flavorful appetizer that captures the essence of the season. Pumpkin Spice Pepper Hummus is a vibrant twist on classic hummus, blending the warm spices of autumn with the rich and creamy texture of hummus. Perfect for any holiday gathering, this appetizer is a delicious combination of pumpkin, roasted red peppers, and a dash of warming spices. It’s a delightful prelude to your Thanksgiving feast, offering a tantalizing taste of the fall season in every bite.
Get the recipe on CareDx.com.


Recipe: Egg Roll in a Bowl


Quick joke … How do you make an egg roll?

You push it down a hill!

(rim shot)

There are dozens of bad egg roll puns we can make, but for Jessica Englerth of Killeen, Texas, making delicious, nutritious, and kidney-friendly food is no laughing matter.

Jessica shares with you this “Egg Roll in a Bowl” recipe. Click here to learn how to make this transplant friendly dish.


The Power of a Plant-Based Holiday Plate


“The holidays are a time for celebration but they can also be fraught with nutrition-related challenges, especially for our patients dealing with chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes and obesity.

Celebrations often feature calorie-dense foods, high in added sugars, fats, and sodium, culminating in unintentional weight gain and the subsequent resolution to lose it in the New Year. This begs the question: Is it possible for our patients to enjoy holiday foods and celebrations without compromising their health? The answer is a resounding yes!

Educating patients about healthier diets, such as plant-based eating, and equipping them with healthier spins on their favorite holiday recipes can help them maintain good health throughout the holiday season and beyond.”

Read more here.
