It’s time for Congress to keep its promise to kidney transplant patients

13110login-checkIt’s time for Congress to keep its promise to kidney transplant patients

“In 1972, as millions of Americans living with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) struggled to access care, Congress made a commitment to cover the rising costs of their treatment, including kidney transplant. Unfortunately, almost 50 years later, this commitment remains unfulfilled.

Kidney transplant patients must remain on immunosuppressive therapy for life or risk losing their transplant. For nearly two decades, the kidney, transplantation, and donation communities have been advocating to extend immunosuppressive medication coverage for kidney transplant patients beyond Medicare’s current three-year limit.”

Read the full article in POLITICO, here.

To take action and help Finish The Fight, contact your members of congress, here.

131100login-checkIt’s time for Congress to keep its promise to kidney transplant patients

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