Family first: Nolan and Uncle Jon’s living donor kidney transplant

72510login-checkFamily first: Nolan and Uncle Jon’s living donor kidney transplant

By Veronia Giarla

Nolan and his uncle Jon are both tall and blonde, but they now have something more in common: The two have an unbreakable bond, thanks to a selfless —and lucky — gift that changed Nolan’s life forever.

The first year after Nolan was born, his primary care physician ran some blood work to try to explain Nolan’s slow weight gain, or “failure to thrive,” which can interfere with brain development and other developmental issues. Nolan’s mother remembers that, “Nolan’s pediatrician told us to get him to Boston Children’s Hospital immediately because his lab tests were concerning. We had no idea what that meant, but we knew Boston Children’s was where we’d find out.”
Read the full story from Boston Children’s Hospital.

725100login-checkFamily first: Nolan and Uncle Jon’s living donor kidney transplant

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